GDPR Information

SearchTech Group Limited

GDPR Information

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has affected most businesses in the UK and wider EU. GDPR is a regulation on data protection and privacy for everyone within the European Union, designed to give consumers more control over their personal data. The regulation holds businesses responsible for obtaining an individual’s express permission to gather and store their personal information, highlighting how and when this data may be used. Organisations need to ensure that firstly, the individual is happy for them to have their information, and secondly, that the information is stored securely to protect their personal data and privacy.

The initial panic surrounding GDPR has recently settled down after it caused a variety of issues for a lot of businesses in the lead up to the enforcement date, 25th May 2018. However, there is still a lot of work to do to maintain compliance. Regulations are as tight as ever, with businesses facing large fines if they do not comply with the rules that have been put in place.

At SearchTech, we want to arm businesses with all of the information they should need to face GDPR head on. This means hiring the right talent to implement processes to ensure GDPR compliance. We understand that every industry will need to tackle GDPR compliance differently, according to their day-to-day business operations and data systems.

GDPR has created a lot of new roles within the sector, and as there are limited professionals in this area, the top talent is in short supply. From a hiring perspective, it can also be difficult to know which skills you need on your team. We want to help you to find the right candidates for the job. If you are a start-up, SME or large corporate, we have the information you need on GDPR.